Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Eve meal number 5

I've got great friends that saved me the best bit of the roasted chicken with potatoes, satay, meat patties, soya cincau, pumpkin soup, bruschettas and tang yuen (not in picture). To round it all up, we all took shots of jagermeister!

Sorry I only stayed for an hour. Fruit ninja for 2 players on Ipad rocks!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year 2011!

    So how was your NYE'a countdown? I didn't contribute to the massive jam in downtown KL. We were home before the clock struck 12. I stood on a stool (my bedroom window is rather high) and saw fireworks! The first round came from my neighbour's home 10 minutes before 12. At 12, the fireworks from Dataran Merdeka was clearly visible. AWESOME!!!
    Am not a regular in making resolutions so there will be none this year Just lots of wishes: To travel more, get back to shape, get our own home, develop new career, bake more, spend a little more on myself and to catch up with all my close friends.
    What is YOUR wish this year? To a great rabbit year ahead! :)